
It is well known that the drivers are “the heart” of the speakers. No matter how well we fit-in other elements the drivers must be from the best, possible, selection.

Nime audio did a lot of research in order to choose the drivers that will easily transform the core of its vision into the pure sound perfection.

By our, humble, opinion there are no better dynamic driver manufacturer, at the present moment, than T&P Accuton.

We implement high quality drivers with ceramic domes and membranes by this prestigious company. It got our trust by providing extreme rigidity, lightweight and high internal damping.


Distributors Wanted

To contact us regarding partnership please use our official email address:


Guangzhou AV fair

14-16 September, 2018
Dong Fang hotel, Guangzhou, China
Nime audio - presented by Granding Audio Video Engineering Limited 


Mobile: +39 339 2349772

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